Green Lantern Core Newsletter #1
10:41 PM | Author: Pierce Kronos
The Sound of Music on Mogo
Ion Aree has booked one of SL's most popular singers, Cylindrian Rutabaga, to perform at a Lanterns for Life benefit event. The concert will take place on Mogo, Saturday, May 16 at 4:00PM SLT. Ms Rutabag's show will be one of several fundraising events for Relay for Life that day on Beta Quadrant. Additional details to come.
Lord of the Rings Revealed
Rookie Reymon is reported to have released a substantial inventory of Power Rings and script components to the GLC. The extent of the donation is said to have stunned Guardians Jeff and Cathy who have intimated that our future Willpower will be stronger than ever thanks to the magnanimous poozer.
Events to be Coordinated
To counteract a very long drought in GLC activities, Lantern Darick Allen and Rookie BilliAnn Braven have volunteered to take on the task of Event Coordinators for the Core. No events have been coordinated yet but expect some very soon.
Scholastic Showdown Looms Large for Lantern-wannabes
This coming Tuesday and Saturday are the dates for our current crop of two dozen Rookies to face their first hurdle; midterm exams will test the novices on Lantern History, SL ToS, CS, GL Ethics as well as Conflict Resolution. The new training method has included voiced lectures and internet posted study guides. If the new way proves successful, look for future podcasts and downloadable training videos.

Aree's Cool Place of the Week - Wandering Spirits

Home of the Mixtape club (be sure to click on the Anywhere Door to find a strange little hidden gallery), Urbania Slum, Neat Tricks gallery (currently haunted!) and Beans on Toast Poses, among others. Lots of wicked cool things to see and do. Beware of the zombies as the sim is damage enabled and death will send you teleporting home! Offbeat art, some very adult rated. Not for everyone, but we loved it.

Your editor is not sure why but a linebreak is showing in the body of the post and across the pictures. It won't let me add blank spaces, so I'll ramble here for a bit. Yaa tsi tsup ari dik ari dull an dik ari dill an dits tan dool la dippyduppy dull la roop uttyroopy la goorigan gook aya gittygangool arup cha cha adippydappydill la baritztandill lan den lan doe a barik kata barip pari baribadeebadeebadee standen lan doe ya baril las ten lan day a doe la babadeadevadevadevaduv ya vou what is that little las day lan doe badakadagadaga doo doo day a doe. YAY! That fixed it :D :D

Mogo Grows!

Five new Lantern worlds that were previously under construction are now accessible at Beta Quadrant!

Sinestro Corps world: Qward
Blue Lantern Corps world: Odym
Star Sapphires world: Zamaron
Red Lantern Corps world: Ysmault
Black Lantern world: Ryut

They can all be accessed from the Mogo teleporter and on all the other teleporters set at Beta Quadrant.
